Translation Works
To Japanese
Hisaki Matsuura
Hisaki Matsuura (1954-) is a professor of French literature at the University of Tokyo, with a doctorate from the University of Paris III. He first made his name as a poet before going on to become a prizewinning critic and author. He has written about cinema and architecture, as well as producing a critical biography of a famous ethnologist. His debut as a novelist came relatively late; his first collection of stories was Mono no tawamure (The Jest of Things; 1996, Shinshokan).
2000 Akutagawa Prize, for Hanakutashi (A Flower-spoiling Rain)
2005 Kiyama Shohei Literary Prize, for Ayame karei hikagami (Iris, Flatfish, the Hollow of the Knee)
2005 Yomiuri Literary Prize, for Hanto (Peninsula)